High School Equestrian Scholarship Programs & Resources
Many equine/equestrian-related organizations and colleges with riding programs or teams offer equestrian related scholarships and grants. We will update this list from time to time as we become aware of more or different programs. Please check back frequently. If you would like scholarship/grant information added to the below, please contact the MHSEA at info@mhsea.org.
American Association of Equine Practitioners - http://www.aaep.org
American Hackney Horse Society - http://hackneysociety.com
American Horse Council - http://www.horsecouncil.org
American Morgan Horse Association - http://www.morganhorse.com
American Paint Horse Association - http://www.apha.com
American Quarter Horse Association - http://www.aqha.com
American Riding Instructors of America - http://www.riding-instructor.com/certification/
American Saddlebred Horse Association - http://www.asha.net
American Society of Animal Science - http://careers.asas.org
Appaloosa Horse Club - http://www.appaloosa.com
Arabian Horse Association - http://www.arabianhorses.org
Central States Dressage & Eventing Association – http://www.csdea.org
Equisearch education Information - https://www.equisearch.com/
Harness Horse Youth Foundation - http://www.hhyf.org
Harness Tracks of American Scholarship program - http://harnesstracks.com
Intercollegiate Dressage Association - Website: http://teamdressage.com
Intercollegiate Horse Show Association - Website: http://www.ihsainc.com
International Buckskin Horse Association - http://www.ibha.net
MN Horse Council - http://www.mnhorsecouncil.org
National Cutting Horse Association - https://www.nchacutting.com/
National Reining Horse Association - http://www.nrhya.com
North Central Morgan Association – http://www.northcentralmorgan.com
Palomino Horse Breeders of America - http://www.palominohba.com
PATH International - https://pathintl.org/ Pinto Horse Association of America - http://www.pinto.org
Pony of the Americas Club - http://www.poac.org
Practical Horseman - http://www.equisearch.com/practicalhorseman/
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association - http://www.twhbea.com
The Race for Education - http://www.raceforeducation.org
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. - http://www.ponyclub.org
Tri-State Horsemen's Association – http://tri-state-horse.com
United Professional Horsemen's Association – http://www.uphaonline.com
United States Dressage Federation – http://www.usdf.org
United States Equestrian Federation – https://www.usef.org
United States Eventing Association – http://useventing.com
United States Hunter Jumper Association – https://www.ushja.org/donors-grants/grants-scholarships/education
Western Saddle Clubs Association of MN – http://www.wsca.org